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What is a conversion in the context of currency exchange?

In currency exchange, a conversion refers to the process of changing an amount of money from one currency to another. This is done using a specific exchange rate that determines how much of the target currency you receive for the amount of the source currency.

What is a foreign exchange rate?

Can foreign exchange rates change during the day?

Why might there be a maximum limit on currency conversions?

Can minimum and maximum limits vary by currency or country?

What is a conversion in the context of currency exchange?

In currency exchange, a conversion refers to the process of changing an amount of money from one currency to another. This is done using a specific exchange rate that determines how much of the target currency you receive for the amount of the source currency.

What is a foreign exchange rate?

Can foreign exchange rates change during the day?

Why might there be a maximum limit on currency conversions?

Can minimum and maximum limits vary by currency or country?

What is a conversion in the context of currency exchange?

In currency exchange, a conversion refers to the process of changing an amount of money from one currency to another. This is done using a specific exchange rate that determines how much of the target currency you receive for the amount of the source currency.

What is a foreign exchange rate?

Can foreign exchange rates change during the day?

Why might there be a maximum limit on currency conversions?

Can minimum and maximum limits vary by currency or country?

What is a conversion in the context of currency exchange?

In currency exchange, a conversion refers to the process of changing an amount of money from one currency to another. This is done using a specific exchange rate that determines how much of the target currency you receive for the amount of the source currency.

What is a foreign exchange rate?

Can foreign exchange rates change during the day?

Why might there be a maximum limit on currency conversions?

Can minimum and maximum limits vary by currency or country?

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